Power HR: Help Desk


Forgot password

  • Click on the Forgot Password link. It will redirect to Forgot Password page and help you to reset your password.
  • Enter Username and click submit button. It will redirect to Password Reset Page.
  • A new one time password(OTP) will be sent to your registered email id and mobile number displayed below. In case either of the one is not registered, you will still receive the OTP to the registered email id / mobile number. If both email and mobile number are not registered, you will have to get in touch with your HR team.
  • Enter CAPTCHA in the textbox and click Submit Button.
  • After submission, OTP will be sent to registered email id/Mobile Number.
  • Click Cancel button to go back to login page.
  • There is an option for resending OTP, if required.
  • On successfull login attempt, system will force the user to change OTP.
  • Enter new password and confirm password, click on the submit button. It will redirect to employee dashboard page
  • User Blocked

  • Once the user account is blocked, an automated mail as well as SMS will be sent to the user registered email id / mobile number with the new OTP.
  • User can login with the new OTP.